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  • Psychology Vocabulary in Use. Angielski w psychologii - ebook

    Data dostępności: 26.10.2022

    Data publikacji: 26.10.2022

    Język angielski - poziom B2-C1 Nowe wydanie z poszerzonym i wzbogaconym słownictwem. Książka przeznaczona jest dla osób zainteresowanych psychologią, w tym studentów kierunków psychologicznych oraz słuchaczy specjalności pedagogicznych, socjologii, filozofii i dyscyplin medycznych. Obejmuje swoim zakresem wybrane słownictwo z takich dziedzin psychologii jak: psychologia osobowości, psychologia społeczna,...

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  • English Vocabulary. Listen & Learn to Speak (for French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish speakers) - audiobook

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    English Vocabulary. Listen & Learn to Speak (for French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish speakers) - audiobook

    Data dostępności: 26.02.2013

    Data publikacji: 01.01.2013

    Kurs językowy w języku angielskim (dla osób biegle władających językiem angielskim). English Vocabulary. Listen & Learn to Speak. Pack of 4 courses : Irregular Verbs Part 1 + Irregular Verbs Part 2 + Idioms Part 1 & 2 + Phrasal Verbs in situations (for French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish speakers) The main aim of the courses is to teach the most popular irregular verbs,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 102,20 91,98 zł
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  • Verba volant, scripta manet. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies. - ebook

    Data dostępności: 03.07.2013

    Data publikacji: 01.01.2013

    The book is aimed at those who want to investigate translation-related problems and write a Master’s thesis that is an academic thesis as part of their second cycle of studies in the European Higher Education Area. This target audience may be enlarged to include Bachelor’s degree students (the first level) for whom certain remarks and chapters in the book will be equally pertinent. The...

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    Cena: 12,00 10,80 zł
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  • Puss in Boots. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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  • Tom Thumb. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 09.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

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  • The Ugly Duckling. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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  • Thumbelina. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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  • Little Red Riding Hood. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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  • The Little Match Girl. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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  • The Seven Ravens. Fairy Tales - ebook

    Data dostępności: 27.03.2013

    Data publikacji: 08.03.2013

    Here it is ! We are presenting the series comprising 12 most popular Fairy Tales ever. Beautiful illustrations; easy, clear and comprehensible narration; clever, always up-to-date stories - these are only few features out of many this version is filled with. Ebooks we are about to publish are created the way to move a reader to the bygone times where the fiction mingles with wisdom of our forefathers,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 4,99 4,49 zł
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Twój koszyk

Koszyk jest pusty.


  1. 1.Metry na sekundę
  2. 2.Metry na sekundę
  3. 3.Co mi umyka?
  4. 4.Sport
  5. 5.Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
  6. 6.Gazeta Wyborcza - Warszawa
  7. 7.Tygodnik Powszechny
  8. 8.Polityka
  9. 9.Przegląd Sportowy
  10. 10.Tak się mówi... Zaklęci w stereotypach

Najchętniej kupowane

  1. 1.Sport
  2. 2.Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
  3. 3.Przegląd Sportowy
  4. 4.Nowa Fantastyka
  5. 5.Tygodnik Do Rzeczy
  6. 6.Gazeta Wyborcza - Warszawa
  7. 7.Motor
  8. 8.Tygodnik Powszechny
  9. 9.Newsweek Polska
  10. 10.Polityka