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  • The Jewish Community: Authority and Social Control in Poznan and Swarzedz 1650-1793 - ebook

    Data dostępności: 23.03.2015

    Data publikacji: 02.03.2015

    "Książka - napisana przede wszystkim na podstawie źródeł żydowskich, przeważnie w języku hebrajskim - stanowi cenny wkład w badania nad dziejami Żydów w Polsce. Na przykładzie gmin w Poznaniu i Swarzędzu pokazuje mechanizmy funkcjonowania i politykę władz gminy żydowskiej w epoce nowożytnej w okresie między zakończeniem wojen szwedzkich a schyłkiem Rzeczypospolitej. Szczegółowy opis oraz analiza struktury...

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  • Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure - audiobook

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    Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure - audiobook

    Data dostępności: 16.02.2023

    Data publikacji: 16.02.2023

    Audiobook Tami Bear and the Carrot Adventure - a fun, educational and adventurous book with rhymes about healthy eating and benefits from eating veggies, ideal for preschoolers and picky eaters. The friendly Tami Bear starts his day with exercises and healthy breakfast, which gives him strength and energy for the whole day full of bear adventures. This time, his friend from kindergarten, Mary, comes...

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    Cena: 17,99 16,19 zł
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  • Tami Bear and the Tomato Mystery - audiobook

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    Tami Bear and the Tomato Mystery - audiobook

    Data dostępności: 16.02.2023

    Data publikacji: 16.02.2023

    Audiobook Tami Bear and the Tomato Mystery - a fun, educational and adventurous book with rhymes about healthy eating and benefits from eating veggies, ideal for preschoolers and picky eaters. Tami Bear is a world-famous vegetable and fruit expert. Early morning he receives a letter from Gardenia. The letter was written by Grando, the chief of the gobics, little people who are famous for their juicy...

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    Cena: 17,99 16,19 zł
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  • Tami Bear and the Cucumber Holidays - audiobook

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    Tami Bear and the Cucumber Holidays - audiobook

    Data dostępności: 16.02.2023

    Data publikacji: 16.02.2023

    Audiobook Tami Bear and the Cucumber Holidays - a fun, educational and adventurous book with rhymes about healthy eating and benefits from eating veggies, ideal for preschoolers and picky eaters. Summer has come, and with it the long-awaited holidays. After a healthy breakfast Tami Bear packs his bags and sets off to the seaside. While exploring the picturesque town and enjoying the numerous attractions,...

    TANIEJ 5 %
    Cena: 17,99 16,19 zł
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  • The Warsaw Group Rytm (1922-32) and Modernist Classicism - ebook

    The Warsaw Group Rytm (1922-32) and Modernist Classicism - ebook

    Data dostępności: 30.12.2022

    Data publikacji: 30.12.2022

    The first monograph of the influential Polish group Rytm to be published in English, this book is a nuanced reconstruction of this forgotten interwar association of artists, and an original contribution to the ongoing debates on the new classicism in Europe. Engaging critically with both recent scholarly works, and early twentieth-century writing, on modernism, classicism, Maurice Denis, and Henri...

    TANIEJ 45 %
    Cena: 29,00 15,95 zł
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  • Secrets of the Sands, Book #3: The Oracle of Avaris - audiobook

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    Secrets of the Sands, Book #3: The Oracle of Avaris - audiobook

    Data dostępności: 15.11.2022

    Data publikacji: 15.11.2022

    A search for answers from a mysterious Oracle has Sesha and her friends navigating intrigue and danger in this thrilling series finale. Leaving the oasis, Sesha and her friends set sail for Avaris, intent on stopping the Hyksos chieftain from claiming the throne and declaring war on Thebes. On the journey, Sesha learns that she and the scroll are at the centre of a pair of prophecies made by a famed...

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    Cena: 29,95 26,96 zł
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  • Sensitivity of Matter - ebook

    Sensitivity of Matter - ebook

    Data dostępności: 17.09.2021

    Data publikacji: 17.09.2021

    The essays collected in this book were written over a period of more than a decade. They are arranged chronologically in order to create a complete sequence. The first essay in the collection, "Sensitivity of Matter", is dedicated to Edward Stachura, an exceptional Polish poet who became a national hero among young people after his suicide in 1979. The essay was inspired by my conversations and debates...

    TANIEJ 45 %
    Cena: 15,00 8,25 zł
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  • FOREX. DECODED - ebook

    Data dostępności: 02.12.2018

    Data publikacji: 02.12.2018

    Forex Access Codes is a guide for investors and those who are just taking their first steps on the Global Investment Market. An innovative discovery, which has been thoroughly described, for the first time in history comes to light and is within your reach. Forex is the largest currency market in the world. The estimated daily turnover is about 7 trillion USD. Available to everyone 24 hours a...

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    Cena: 79,00 71,10 zł
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  • Oriental Studies and Arts. Contributions Dedicated to Professor Tadeusz Majda on His 85th Birthday - ebook

    Data dostępności: 29.05.2016

    Data publikacji: 29.04.2016

    "This volume is respectfully dedicated to Professor Tadeusz Majda, a renowned scholar in the fields of Oriental Studies and Art History. His numerous publications attest to his preeminent scholarly standing. But it is not the high number of his books and articles that alone mark him as a true teacher and a man of knowledge. It is the position he holds among his learned colleagues; the intense interest...

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    Cena: 47,00 42,30 zł
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  • In Quest of Identity - ebook

    Data dostępności: 21.12.2015

    Data publikacji: 18.12.2015

    red. Mirosław Michalak, Magdalena Rodziewicz Stability and changeability of identities, especially in the context of their disappearance and revival, is one of the leitmotifs of the current publication, which is a fruit of a collective effort of scholars who represent diverse areas of the humanities and varied approaches to the issue of identity in the lands occupied by the Persian-language civilization....

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    Cena: 27,00 24,30 zł
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Twój koszyk

Koszyk jest pusty.


  1. 1.Anna O
  2. 2.Syndrom oszusta. Jak nie podkopywać wiary we własne możliwości
  3. 3.Szkoła w czasach AI. Jak przygotować dzieci na wyzwania jutra
  4. 4.Six Sigma dla menedżerów. Jak za pomocą liczb, danych i faktów usprawnić procesy i zmienić kulturę organizacyjną
  5. 5.W słońcu Bora Bora
  6. 6.Sztuka uwodzenia
  7. 7.Norwegian Wood
  8. 8.Na południe od granicy, na zachód od słońca
  9. 9.Kafka nad morzem
  10. 10.Im mroczniej, tym lepiej

Najchętniej kupowane

  1. 1.Berdo
  2. 2.Nowa Fantastyka
  3. 3.Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
  4. 4.Sport
  5. 5.Gazeta Wyborcza - Warszawa
  6. 6.Prosto z mostu, czyli wywody człowieka logicznego
  7. 7.Przegląd Sportowy
  8. 8.Tygodnik Do Rzeczy
  9. 9.Plus Minus
  10. 10.Tygodnik Powszechny